Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Looking at Alliteration & Poems

Just a quick update to say that we are in the middle of packing up our books and belongings - we have several hundred books - and will be looking for somewhere new to live at some point within the next few weeks. [See earlier post on our notice of eviction!]

So nothing too exciting happening just now, except that the tadpoles have sprouted legs, the lettuces we sowed earlier this year are now big enough to eat in our salads, and Indi is rather sad that she will have to leave her little village nursery school. But it's clear that we'll be moving out of the immediate area of the nursery, so she might as well start home-schooling with her older brothers now, rather than have her go back into a new nursery for six months or a year, then have to leave again when she hits school age.

Today we talked about alliteration, as we've been doing a fair amount of poetry recently and I thought the boys could start thinking up their own little phrases in preparation for getting them to write their own poems! So today we wrote about and drew some mad monkeys, crazy cats, haunted houses and pink princesses. Nothing like a few good old cliches to kick them off into the wonderful world of poetry ...

We looked at some Tony Mitton poems, who's a great writer for younger children, especially under-sixes. I also read aloud to them some well-known and fun poems like Jabberwocky, Spike Milligan's Ning Nang Nong, The Owl and the Pussycat, Eliot's Macavity the Mystery Cat, and so on.